This time of year is so annoying… at least when it comes to clothing. It’s still cold but every store is filled with cute spring clothing. And you want to wear them… but not freeze. So that’s where the spring sweater comes in — especially this Reformation white sweater. You can wear it now AND this spring with shorts. Functional clothing… imagine that, haha.
How to spot the perfect spring sweater
Look to the label! The key is staying away from wool. (But I do make an exception when it comes to cashmere… just got this striped hoodie and I OBSESSED!) Look for sweaters that are 100% cotton or at least a cotton blend. That way it’s more breathable when it gets hot outside.

Spring sweater round up
What I’m binge watching…
And now about those shows… I been binging on a couple shows lately and want to share them with you because two of them I had never heard of! First up is Shrill, if you love Aidy Bryant from SNL you’ll love this show. (Think HBO’s Girls but I funnier.) Next up is Better Things, which is raw, dark, funny, and surprisingly heartwarming. And lastly is a show you HAVE probably heard of… Cheer. I had ZERO intentions of watching it but after getting on Navarro’s cheer IG I was amazed with the stunts they do. And after the first episode you are HOOKED! What are you watching now?