If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed that pleats are my thing. Especially pleated dresses. I would say for going into the holiday season, just plan on adding a pleated party dress to your shopping list. I mean… just look at them! Kind of vintage looking, and a little bit disco, these dresses just look like a party. And today I’m doing a round up of my favorite ones!

I know you can barely see them but these earrings are STUNNING!!
Times Square with nothing but a pink dress on my back

During NYFW we were going to back to back events and I had a bag full of stuff that we needed to stash at a hotel between events. So after event #1 I’m in an uber with all my roomies and they drop me off at the hotel and wait as I run in to drop it off. Or so I thought…

I come out of the hotel to find they are gone. And mind you, I have nothing on me. No bag, no wallet, no phone. I’m like naked, but in this pink dress. And did I mention this was in Times Square? Imagine me holding up my dress and running in heels looking for the uber all while weaving through the sea of people that is Times Square. I felt like a princess who lost her shoe or something. Long story short — the uber thought it was dropping me off and the girls thought it was circling the block because of traffic. Needless to say they found me freaked out but pretty in pink…

These strappy heels go with everything. That’s why I paired them with both dresses. And for being high heels they are pretty comfortable too.
Walk of shame or party dress for day

Admittedly anyone who saw this dress in stores would consider it a going out kind of dress. And I packed for NYFW with the plan of wearing it to an event. But I ended up forgetting and wearing something else. So the next morning before brunch I was digging through my suitcase and found this dress and thought… why can’t I wear it to brunch?! So I did! And I think it actually looked really cute with my sneakers. It’s like I’m doing the walk of shame… on purpose haha.

Specifically Sadelle’s for bagels and schmear.

(Unlike these sneakers which were a splurge but I’ve definitely gotten my money’s worth out of them!)