The hardest part of changing your life is getting started. That’s a popular saying right? But isn’t it so true! With the new house I now have the space I’ve been wanting to work and be creative in. But it is soooo hard to get started! (Maybe this matching blazer with shorts outfit will help?)

For me it’s, “oh let me unpack that random box” or Roxy wants out for the millionth time. Most of the excuses are valid, other well are not. But since dressing the part always helps I’m sharing this off duty boss lady outfit as inspiration… for myself. Because we ALL need some inspiration. And I miss it! (See this post.)

matching blazer and shorts
While I know this isn’t exactly work appropriate, it certainly will make you WANT to work! This matching blazer and shorts outfit are both under $100 and work well on their own too. Wear this blazer with chinos or slacks for work then jeans on the weekend. And as for the shorts you KNOW I had to pair them with this tee. I love it! (And my husband thinks it’s the ugliest thing ever haha.) How would you style them?

No matter what you’re wanting to get started on, I hope this gives you the little push you might need. And just writing this out helps me do the same. Have a great week friends!