What. A. Week. I know people say that all time but this one was pretty overwhelming. Home stuff, an ambulance, and work stress were the theme of this week. But I don’t want to bore you with the details so I’m going to get to what I want to talk about… RANDOM STUFF! (And this stylish white puff sleeve tee.)
New book — I’m starting on Educated tonight. I’ve been need a new books and for some reason I’m completely obsessed with cults so this should hit the spot…
Tech stuff — I’m on the search for wireless headphones. My husband begged me not to buy Beats because he said they were junk… and I hate to admit he was right. Only ONE ear works now! Do you have a brand/pair you like? Thinking of these… expensive but they really help me focus when I work.
Not funny but warm and fuzzy — We watched Ken Jeong’s stand up on Netflix and while I didn’t find it very funny, it was really sweet to hear him talk about his wife. So if you’re in an “all guys suck” mood, this will definitely boost your spirit.
Pining for Pinterest — I’ve fallen back in love with Pinterest… and I would love to see what YOU’RE INSPIRED BY. Please let me know your name on Pinterest and I would love to follow you! Just leave it in the comments, email, or DM me.

Style note: The sunglasses were the ultimate eBay score! See all the details in this post.

white puff sleeve tee
And about these necklaces, I’ve always been a Gorjana fan so when I saw she came out with a star necklace I felt like it was made for me. I’m such a lover of stars so this piece of jewelry almost feels personal to me. (And isn’t that how jewelry is supposed to feel?)
And now let’s get to the fashion… how cute are the sleeves on this this top? (You KNOW I love a statement sleeve!) It comes in several colors and would be cute with work pants, skirts, and jeans. (Or sneakers/heels like I styled it here!)