I have made it VERY clear over the years that I’m not a pink girl. I really didn’t own any pink clothing until recently! What changed my mind was a lovely shade by the name of blush. Blush pink is just such an understated and classic color. I think what initially threw me off the pink-train was the popular hot pink color. I just can’t… it’s not me!
But blush is the new me, and the new me is in love with this lovely shade. So not only do I want more blush tops like this one, I’m also wanting more of the color in my home! In fact, I saw the cutest blush sofa at the recently opened Cafe Disco in downtown OKC. It greets you immediately as you enter along with a bright neon sign. They’re totally instagrammable so if you find yourself in Oklahoma City you must check it out for some delicious macarons, coffee or matcha, and of course, a cute Instagram pic!

Click here to see how it looks!
But back to the blush sofa…
Seeing their sofa made me want one too! Unfortunately, our home doesn’t really have room for any new furniture, but I wanted to share the sofas I’m currently blushing over.

Blush sofas from top to bottom…
#1 (currently 25% off) /// #2 (on sale, under $900) /// #3 (only $700 and I love that velvet!) /// #4 (very traditional) /// #5 (the most modern one and you won’t believe the price)