What’s your most embarrassing bra story? For me, I was in middle school sitting at a round table with boys and girls wearing a white tee shirt. And underneath it, I had a plain cotton white (training type bra) underneath. Everything was going fine until one of the boys told everyone that he could see my bra. Then he started to reenact a bra commercial while pointing and teasing me. Middle school kids are the worst! Luckily for me, I just said something snarky back and we moved on. But inside I was so embarrassed!
So, speaking of white tees, what does your closet look like in the summer? For me it’s white…. so much BRIGHT white! White tees, tops, and dresses consume my wardrobe in the summer months. The only problem with this (besides me having to be careful not to spill coffee on them) is finding a bra that will go on underneath that you can’t see. You know what I mean that… that illusive nude bra. The one that doesn’t show under even the smoothest top or your favorite tissue tee.

By now you know I’m a bit of an underwear lover. I even love to design them as a hobby! And because of that, I’m always on the lookout for the perfect bra. And for summer, specifically one that seamlessly fits under all my favorite white dresses.

This Jockey Forever Fit bra is one of those works-under-everything kind of bras. It comes in 3 different fits so you’ll find the one that perfectly fits you. And since it’s completely affordable you can buy more than one! (I have this one in black too, because a black bra is just as essential as a nude one.)
What’s your embarrassing bra story? (With this bra I can promise you won’t have another one, haha!)
Thank you to Jockey for partnering on this post!